
Berufliche Tätigkeiten

  • Seit April 2023: Lehrstuhlvertreter (W3) am Seminar für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Münster
  • Seit März 2022: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Dogmatik und Dogmengeschichte an der Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • Feb. 2019-Febr. 2022: Universitätsassistent (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Dogmatik)
  • 2018: Universität Wien (Lehrbeauftragter, Institut für Fundamentaltheologie)
  • 2016-2019: KU Leuven (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies)
  • 2015: Villanova University (Adjunct Professor, Theology and Religious Studies)
  • 2012-2016: KU Leuven (Doctoral Research Assistant, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies)


  • Eschatologie und Theologie der Hoffnung
  • Die Theologie von Edward Schillebeeckx
  • Politische und ökonomische Theologie, Theologie des Geldes
  • Hermeneutik und Traditionsüberlieferung


Oktober 2011 bis 4. Mai 2016: PhD: Systematic Theology: Eschatological Hermeneutics: Thinking Further with Edward Schillebeeckx on Theological Anthropology and Human Experience, betreut durch Prof. Dr. Lieven Boeve, Prof. Dr. Leo Kenis und Prof. Dr. Stephan van Erp.
Mai 2016: Sacra Theologiae Doctorem (STD), Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, BE.
Juli 2015: Sacra Theologiae Licentiatum (STL), Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, BE.
Oktober 2014 bis Februar 2015: Gastforscher (Erasmus Exchange Program), PhD: Systematic/Fundamental Theology, Universität Wien, Wien, AT, betreut durch Prof. DDr. Kurt Appel.
Juli 2013: Sacra Theologiae Baccalaureum (STB), Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, BE.
Oktober 2011 bis Juni 2012: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven, Leuven, BE. Magna cum laude.
Oktober 2010 bis Juni 2011: Master of Arts: Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Leuven, BE. Magna cum laude.
Juni 2009 bis Mai 2010: Master of Arts: Theology, Villanova University, Villanova, USA. Concentration: Biblical Studies, Systematic Theology; Examinations (März 2010); Passed with Distinction.
August 2005 bis Mai 2009: Bachelor of Arts: Theology and Religious Studies; Classical Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, USA. Magna cum laude.


Hochschuldidaktische Ausbildung, 28.-29. September 2020, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
PostDocPro Qualifizierungsprogramm für UniversitätsassistentInnen mit Doktorat. 18. September 2020-21. Juli 2021, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz.
Blended Module: “Start to Teach” Program, 2017, KU Leuven.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Dogmatik und Fundamentaltheologie (Gast, seit 2020)
Catholic Theological Society of America (seit 2012)
College Theology Society (seit 2016)
Europäische Gesellschaft für Katholische Theologie (seit 2013)
Forschungskreis Kommunikative Theologie (seit 2019)
Society for Biblical Literature (seit 2012)

Auszeichnungen und Förderung

2019: Special Mention für das Buch "Eschatological Hermeneutics: The Theological Core of Experience and Our Hope for Salvation (T&T Clark, 2018)," Kongress der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Katholische Theologie
2019: Kurzwahlliste (final 5), Tijdschrift voor Theologie Essay Prize
2016-2017: Postdoctoral Mandate (PDM), KU Leuven Research Council Internal Funds
2016: Empfänger, International Travel Grant, FWO (Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders)
2015: Empfänger, Dolores L. Christie CTSA Convention Scholarship
2014: Empfänger, Dolores L. Christie CTSA Convention Scholarship
2013: Dritter Platz, Tijdschrift voor Theologie Essay Prize



  • Minch, D. (2018). Eschatological Hermeneutics: The Theological Core of Experience and Our Hope for Salvationn. T&T Clark Studies in Edward Schillebeeckx. London: T&T Clark.


  • Minch, D., Brieden, N., Garmaz, J. and Fuchs, Ottmar (Hg.), Moving Home—Bewegte Heimat. Theologische Diskurse über ein ambivalentes Konzept. Ostfildern: Grünewald 2023.
  • van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx. London/New York: T&T Clark, 2023.
  • Minch, D.: The Existential Situation and Christian Experience: Messianism and Eschatological Salvation, in: Norris, Marcos; Dickinson, Colby (Hrsg.), Agamben and the Existentialists. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2021, (online resource).
  • Minch, D., Cimorelli, C. (Hg.). One Bread, One Body, One Church: Essays on the Ecclesia of Christ Today in Honor of Bernard P. Prusak. Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia. Peeters Press, 2021.
  • Van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx. London/New York: T&T Clark, 2019.
  • Minch, D., Geldhof, J., Maine, T. (Hg.). Approaching the Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces. Theologie der Liturgie, vol. 10. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 2015.
  • Geldhof, J., Minch, D. (Hg.). “Mediating Mysteries – Understanding Liturgies.” Louvain Studies, 38(2) 2014.

Aufsätze (Peer-Reviewed-Journals)

  • Minch, D. (2022). "Intensive Experience of God and Society: Mediating Mysticism, Politics, and Christology in the Work of Edward Schillebeecks". Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 98(1): 103-121.
  • Minch, D. (2021): "Pastoral Criticism, Structural Collaboration: The Role of Ecclesial Power Structures in Modernization and Economic Individualization". Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 42(2): 367-403.
  • Minch, D. (2019). “Our Faith in Creation, God’s Faith in Humanity: Edward Schillebeeckx and Pope Francis on Human Transcendence and an Athropocentric Cosmos.” Theological Studies, 80(4): 845-863.
  • Van Erp, S., Minch, D. (2019). “Wereldlijk gezag, schepping en verlossing: Edward Schillebeeckx’ politieke theologie.” Tijdschrift voor Theologie, 59(4): 335-355.
  • Minch, D. (2018) “What Kind of God is Money Anyway? An Investigation into the Theological Structures of Capitalism and Gnosticism.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 4(2), The Crisis of Representation: 62-83.
  • Minch, D., Van Erp, S. (2018) “Creation, Civil Authority and Salvation. Edward Schillebeeckx’s Political Theology After Vatican II.” Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Nova Series 3, Dominicans and Civil Authority: 293-315.
  • Minch, D. (2018). “Eschatology and Theology of Hope: The Impact of Gaudium et Spes on the Thought of Edward Schillebeeckx.” The Heythrop Journal. 59(2): 273-285. (early view, 2016).
  • Minch, D. (2017). “De economische wende in de hedendaagse politieke theologie.” Tijdschrift voor Theologie, 57(1): 78-90. Minch, D. (2016). “The Fractured Self and the Primacy of the Future: Edward Schillebeeckx and the Eschatological Horizon.” Horizons, 43(1): 57-85.
  • Minch, D. (2014). “‘Dat jullie dan als God zullen zijn’: Erfzonde en ideologiekritiek”. Tijdschrift voor Theologie, 54(4): 350-363. Alpers, C.,
  • Minch, D. (2014). “Edward Schillebeeckx in de hedendaagse theologie”. Tijdschrift voor Theologie, 54(4): 398-409.
  • Minch, D., Geldhof, J. (2014). “Introduction: Liturgy Expressing Mystery”. Louvain Studies, 38(2): 107-110.
  • Alpers, C., Van Erp, S., Minch, D. (2014). “The Turn to God as a Sign of the Times: New Directions in Research on Edward Schillebeeckx”. ET-Studies, 5(2): 377-388.
  • Minch, D., Cimorelli, C. (2013). “Views of Doctrine: Historical Consciousness, Asymptotic Notional Clarity, and the Challenge of Hermeneutics as Ontology”. Louvain Studies, 37(4): 327-363.

Aufsätze (Buchkapitel)

  • Minch, D., Die Rolle des Geistes in einer evolutionären Welt. Deep Incarnation und Deep Resurrection, in: Michael Seewald, Gott ist Geist. Perspektiven der Pneumatologie, Freiburg 2023, 136-162.
  • Minch, D. and Hinze, B.E. (2023). Politics: Creating Home in Contested Spaces. In: Minch, D., Brieden, N., Garmaz, J. and Fuchs, Ottmar (Hg.), Moving Home—Bewegte Heimat. Theologische Diskurse über ein ambivalentes Konzept. Ostfildern: Grünewald, 231-239.
  • Minch, D. (2023).  Horror and the Suburban Experience: The Ambivalence of Home and the Borders of Social Construction. In: Minch, D., Brieden, N., Garmaz, J. and Fuchs, Ottmar (Hg.), Moving Home—Bewegte Heimat. Theologische Diskurse über ein ambivalentes Konzept. Ostfildern: Grünewald, 73-88.
  • Van Erp, S., Minch, D. (2023) “Introduction: Reading Edward Schillebeeckx: Texts and Contexts.” In: van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Eds.). The T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx. T&T Clark, 1-4.
  • Minch, D. (2023). “Part Two: The Second Vatican Council and its Aftermath.” In: van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). The T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx. T&T Clark, 89-91.
  • Minch D. (Expected: 2021). “The Existential Situation and Christian Experience: Messianism and Eschatological Salvation.” In: Agamben and the Existentialists. Norris, M., Dickinson, C. (Eds.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (online resource)
  • Cimorelli, C., Minch, D. (2021) “‘How Does the Church Come from Jesus?’: Our Unfinished Theological Task.” In: Minch, D., Cimorelli, C. (Eds.). One Bread, One Body, One Church: Essays on the Ecclesia of Christ Today. Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia. Peeters Press.
  • Minch, D. (Expected: 2021). “The Church as Society and Body of Christ: Breaking Down Historical and Theological Dependence on Ecclesial Monarchy.” In: Minch, D., Cimorelli, C. (Eds.). One Bread, One Body, One Church: Essays on the Ecclesia of Christ Today. Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia. Peeters Press.
  • Minch, D. (2020). “Wirtschaftlicher Individualismus und kirchliche Macht. Moderne Prozesse als ein theologisches und strukturelles Problem.” In: Bucher, R. (Ed.). Pastoral im Kapitalismus. Theologie im kulturellen Dialog. Würzburg: Echter, 43-60.
  • Minch, D. (2020). “Kleine Historiographie der Abfolge: USA.” In: Hilpert, K., Leimgruber, S., Sautermeister, J., Werner, G. (Eds.). Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Raum von Kirche: Analysen – Bilanzierungen – Perspektiven. Quaestiones disputatae, vol. 309. Herder: Freiburg, 34-41.
  • Minch, D. (2019). “Interpretation and Interrelation of Tradition and Situation: Schillebeeckx’s Later Theological Hermeneutics.” In: van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx. T&T Clark, 155-177.
  • Minch, D. (2019). “In Search of a Catholic Use of Hermeneutics: Schillebeeckx’s Turn to Experience.” In: van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx. T&T Clark, 135-154. Van Erp, S.,
  • Minch, D. (2019). “Introducing Edward Schillebeeckx: A Theologian for our Time.” In: van Erp, S., Minch, D. (Hg.). T&T Clark Handbook of Edward Schillebeeckx. T&T Clark, 1-16.
  • Minch, D. (2018). “Hermeneutical Selving as Metaxological Selving: Bridging the Perceived Gap between Theological Hermeneutics and Metaphysics.” In Vanden Auweele, D. (Ed.), William Desmond’s Philosophy between Metaphysics, Religion, and Aesthetics: Thinking Metaxologically. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 59-76.
  • Minch, D. (2018). “Economic Theological Anthropology and Metaphysics of Money: The Challenge of Optimism for Active Christian Hope.” In: Nullens P., van den Heuvel S. (Eds.). Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics, vol. 6, Driven by Hope: Economics and Theology in Dialogue. Leuven: Peeters Press, 137-150.
  • Minch, D. (2017). “Reexamining Edward Schillebeeckx’s Anthropological Constants: An Ontological Perspective.” In: van Erp S., Alpers C., Cimorelli C. (Eds.). T&T Clark Studies in Edward Schillebeeckx, Edward Schillebeeckx and the Theology of Public Life. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 113-130.
  • Minch, D., Maine, T. (2015). “Liturgy, Theology, and the Crisis of History: Clearing Space for Liturgical Theology.” In: Minch D., Geldhof J., Maine T. (Eds.). Theologie der Liturgie, vol. 10, Approaching the Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 9-21.
  • Minch, D. (2015). “Language, Structure, and Sacrament: Reconsidering the Eucharistic Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx.” In: Geldhof J., Minch D., Maine T. (Eds.). Theologie der Liturgie, vol. 10, Approaching the Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 98-119.